Тurning Science into Products
Market : You = 1:0
You have just started and the market is already ahead in the game. You want to commercialize your technology, research or invention, but you don’t know how. Great! You are at the right place. Well, it’s not great that you can’t make it on your own, but we’re here to help ; ) We’ve been in your shoes as well and know how it feels to be an expert in something, but have no clue about business plans, marketing or finance. We know the rules of the game and we’ll do everything possible to help you win.

Sofia Tech Innovators Program is a tech agnostic, flexible, hands-on program, which tailors the specific needs of young innovators in South East Europe. It combines elements of incubation, acceleration and tech transfer.

You set your goals, work at your own pace, and reach the targets that you have defined. Because that’s your project.
We’ll provide business support, advisory… and yes – give a discounted rent ; ) Аnd we’ll cheer all the way to success…