A Connecting Bridge: Soap Films and Artificial Photosynthesis
Introduction: The SoFiA project aims to demonstrate Artificial Photosynthesis on a Soap Film and then scale to a viable production facility for Solar Fuels and Industrial Feedstock using soap foam.
The online workshoporganized by the SoFiA Consortium will provide an overview of the underlying concepts, highlighting some unique interdisciplinary aspects of the project and related review lectures by leading EU scientists.
The Workshop will be broadcasted live on official Youtube Channel of Wasabi Innovations (www.wasabiinnovations.com) and the official Facebook Page of Sofia Tech Park (https://www.facebook.com/SofiaTechPark) – both dissemination and communication third parties to the Sofia Consortium. The link to the live broadcast will also be available at the official SoFiA project website www.sofiaproject.eu.
The lectures will also be
available as Youtube videos and can be recalled anytime for reference viewing.